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Recipe Costing Software

Recipe Costing Software

Optimize menu costs & save time with Recipe Costing Software. MenuSano’s Recipe Costing add-on module provides the right insights to inform a menu engineering strategy.

Recipe Costing

Save Time and Ensure Profitability with MenuSano’s Recipe Costing Tool

Knowing exactly how much is spent on each dish is helpful to track profit margins and determine appropriate selling prices. Recipe Costing Software takes the guessing out of the equation with easy, quick, automated, and viewable cost per recipe details.

You can take this further with Recipe Scaling. MenuSano will do all the calculations you need to scale up or down your recipes as needed, so you can get accurate recipe amounts and costs.

Have peace of mind with Recipe Costing’s turnkey solution to better manage costs and maximize ROI.

Recipe Costing Breakdown Reference image

Recipe Costing Features

Reduce Recipe Costs


Experiment with the recipe cost by swapping out different ingredient costs to get the desired outcome.


Auto Calculate

MenuSano will automatically calculate the cost of the batch and yield of each recipe. Say good-bye to costing in Excel sheets.

Recipe Costing List

Track Costs

Track all recipe costing in MenuSano which can be retrieved at any time, compared, analyzed and adjusted.

Recipe Costing

Track Ingredient Costs

View all ingredients and associated costs in a complete list to determine which ingredients need to be changed to lower cost.

Food Delivery Truck


Each ingredient cost is linked to a supplier which makes it easier to retrieve and compare costs.

Recipe Costing List

Export Costs

Export all recipe and ingredient costs to facilitate reporting.


Nutrition Analysis

Match ingredients from the costing module to ingredients listed in the database for the nutritional content of the recipe.


Nutrition Fact Labels & Allergens

When recipes are finalized, MenuSano offers a nutrition facts labels that include important allergen information.

Recipe Costing List

Bulk Import Ingredients

Simplify uploading ingredients by adding all ingredients and their cost at once from an Excel file.

Recipe Costing Benefits

Save Time

Save Time Everyday

Digital automation eliminates manual time-consuming calculations so you can focus on growing your business.
Increase Cost

Increase Profitability

Effectively manage food costs to ensure a maximized profit margin for each recipe.

Customer Success Stories

Keto Food Co.

Keto Food Co. saved hundreds of hours by using MenuSano’s recipe costing software over Excel spreadsheets.

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