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Nutrition Fact Labels for Food Manufacturing

Nutrition Fact Labels for Food Manufacturing

MenuSano nutritional analysis and recipe costing software makes costing recipes and creating nutrition fact labels a breeze.

By using MenuSano, a lab is no longer required for nutrition analysis, saving you thousands of dollars in lab fees. Furthermore, a recipe can be analyzed in minutes so there is no need to wait for results from a third party. Rest easy knowing that MenuSano’s nutrition calculations are CFIA and FDA compliant.

Food Packaging
Nutrition Fact Labels

With MenuSano

Nutrition Analysis and Recipe Costing Software Features for Food Manufacturers



Flexible and convenient with a user-friendly design


Extensive Databases

Extensive government sourced ingredient databases of chemically analyzed foods

Custom Ingredient

Custom Ingredients

Custom ingredient database of specialty items used in recipes


Recipes as an Ingredient

Add sub-recipes as an ingredient to another recipe

Great Taste

Create Healthier Products

Recipe experimentation capabilities to get the optimal nutritional profile for your market

Nutrition Fact Label

Many NFT Templates

Over 50 compliant nutrition labels to choose from for your products. Available as a vector PDF or jpg

Calorie Calculator

Nutrient Analysis

View Calories, fats, carbohydrates, sugars, protein, sodium, and vitamins and minerals


Ingredient and Allergen Labelling

Easily add ingredients lists, allergerns, and "May Contain" statements to a NFT label

Keto Friendly Dietary Statement

Dietary Labels

Ability to add dietary statements to labels (Vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.)

Best Price

Flexible Pricing

Select packages that suit your needs and pay month-to-month or year-to-year

Recipe Costing

Recipe Costing

Track recipe and ingredient costs


For Teams of All Sizes

Multiple user licenses available for an account

How MenuSano Works for Food Manufacturers

Using MenuSano begins by adding ingredients and their quantities into a recipe. Ingredients can be added by searching our government sources databases or by adding your own custom ingredients. Once all ingredients are added, select the serving size by portion or by weight.

And that’s it!

You will now view the calories and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals for your recipe. A high-resolution (300 dpi) nutrition fact label can be generated, edited, and downloaded.

How MenuSano Label creator Works in Two Steps

By utilizing MenuSano, you have the unique opportunity to design your products using a customer-first mindset. You can adjust ingredients and their quantities to reach a desired nutritional profile that will impress customers and improve profitability.

Detailed USDA and CNF Compliant Databases and More

MenuSano’s trusted databases are made up of federal government-regulated nutrition databases. They include:

  • The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
  • The Canadian Nutrient File (CNF),
  • The Public Health England’s McCance and Widdowson’s ‘composition of foods integrated dataset’

We are extremely mindful of the existing industry standards and have designed our product accordingly and meticulously to bring you the most detailed and fastest results possible. We keep up with the evolving standards and ensure that our products are always up to code.

Nutritional Database Country References

MenuSano's database feature includes:


Extensive Database

An extensive amount of ingredients between three national databases with Multiple measurement options (cups, tablespoons, millilitres, grams, etc.)

Food Plate

Curated Ingredients

Contains those most commonly purchased and consumed in diets across Canada, the US, and the UK collated by Health Canada, the USDA, and Public Health England.

Custom Ingredient

Custom Ingredients

Custom Ingredients feature: Menusano allows you to add custom ingredients that are not found in our main database

AI Smart Search

Smart Searches

AI integrated into search: MenuSano uses AI to create more intelligent searches in our database. With so many items, our AI tool helps you find what you are looking for on the top of the search results list

Our Choice Is Healthy Philosophy

Our core belief is that customers and businesses should have access to healthy choices. They should be fully equipped to make informed choices with access to comprehensive and accurate information.

Since its inception, MenuSano nutritional analysis software has earned trust from all sectors of the foodservice and beverage industries, including:

  • Restaurants
  • Bakeries
  • Hospitals
  • Government
  • Manufacturing companies
  • Public health departments
Sandwich Nutrition Label Creation NFT FDA

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