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Nutrition Analysis for Restaurants

Nutrition Analysis for Restaurants

Save thousands in lab fees and time with an online nutrition analysis solution. Whether the desire is to provide nutrition information to customers or to create nutrition fact labels for products, MenuSano has got you covered when it comes to compliance.

Restaurant Menu Labeling

Are you a Restaurant Owner?

MenuSano is an easy to use nutritional facts calculator.

Your restaurant will be able to accommodate a growing number of customers that are asking for details about the nutritional value and content of their meals. Customers want to experience the best of both worlds; dining out and sticking to healthy eating. MenuSano makes this all possible.

MenuSano is a cutting edge nutrition facts generator, that’s available at an affordable price. The software is designed with compliance and ease-of-use in mind.

Since MenuSano’s launch, it has been tried, tested and loved by restaurants, hospitals, and public service departments alike. It has also received several awards.

Nutrition Analysis Calculator For Restaurants

Why Displaying Nutrition Information Matters

Displaying nutrition information gives all kinds of customers the information they need. With nutrition information displayed so clearly, people who are living with conditions such as diabetes or food allergies can find food that they can safely eat.

Many millennials seek healthy food so that they can achieve optimal nutrition and avoid developing conditions later in life. Forward-thinking foodservice providers must take into account this major trend.

It’s also important to develop healthy meals that your customers will love. Providing nutrition information means that you are offering transparency, which results in your customers’ respect. Being given additional choices in terms of revealing your nutrition information also improves overall customer satisfaction.

Think of nutrition analysis as an advantage. You can highlight different dishes suitable for people with different dietary requirements. With MenuSano, you can provide suitable and tasty meals for your growing customer base.

Restaurant Food Calories

Nutrition Analysis On The Go with MenuSano

Nutrition Fact Label and Menu with Calories

Nutrition analysis with MenuSano is super easy. Your whole team can use the software and glean the benefits immediately. Even if you are on the go, you can log into your account and get to work straight away. Just access the web-based application from any device with your username and password.

The nutrition facts label generator is used quite simply by adding the recipe ingredients. The software then calculates the fat, carbs, and protein plus a host of other nutrients. These are all calculated as per standard Canadian, US, or UK nutrition labels. You can then compile this data into a list so that your customers can ascertain all the information they need.

In particular, you can use your nutrition analysis software to design healthy meals. Do this by adjusting the recipe and the amounts of fat, sugar, and salt you use in the dish. The software allows you to enter as many ingredients, recipes, and meals as you like. The simple edit tool also allows you to save time and modify the ingredients in your dishes at any time.

There are lots of features you can use. Print special dietary information into your regular menu for additional customer benefits. Your company logo is printed on any inserts you choose, which provides a further avenue for brand recognition.

You can also use the information obtained from MenuSano to display on your company website.

MenuSano Trusted Database

MenuSano uses an extensive database of ingredients to precisely calculate the nutritional content of your food. The database is at your fingertips. You can create accurate nutrition profiles for all your dishes in minutes.

MenuSano uses the USDA National Nutrient Databases, Canadian Nutrient File (CNF), and Public Health England’s McCance and Widdowson’s Composition of Integrated Foods (CoFID). The USDA part of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was created as a database of proprietary-branded foods and generic foods. The FDA regulates food labels and gives the nutrition profile of each serving.

The CNF details the mean values for nutrients in food commonly found in Canadian diets. In the UK, the CoFID database details the mean values for nutrients in food commonly found in UK diets.

MenuSano uses these databases to perform theoretical analysis. This type of analysis is considered to be more accurate than laboratory analysis. The theoretical analysis uses the mean values of naturally varying foods making it more accurate. You can, therefore, be assured that with MenuSano you are getting the best analysis and the most cost-effective solution.

Nutritional Database Country References

Recipe Costing

With MenuSano’s Recipe Costing module, know exactly how much it costs to make each recipe. Gone are the days of tracking recipe costs on messy excel sheets or with pen & paper.

  • Auto Calculate Recipe Cost
  • Create “what-if” scenarios to create different cost versions for a recipe
  • Track ingredient costs and suppliers
  • Bulk import ingredient costs
  • Export Ingredient & Recipe costs for easy reporting

Save time & increase profitability with MenuSano’s recipe costing add-on.

Chef Doing Recipe Costing

How MenuSano Can Help your Business:

Nutrition Menu

Showcase Your Menu

Enables you to showcase the nutritional value of your healthiest menu items as a part of your regular menu items by displaying meals which are high-protein, low-sodium, low-calorie etc.

Food Plate

Complement Other Offerings

Complements your existing regular menu as an insert called “healthy menu”

Restaurant Icon

Become Their Go-To

Informs and as a result, attracts those consumers that avoid eating out because they are unaware of what they are ingesting.

Keto Friendly Dietary Statement

Meet Their Needs

Meets dietary criteria of consumers with specific nutritional needs such as diets that are low in sodium.


Attract New Customers

It provides the opportunity to expand your consumer base by targeting new customers which may be health-conscious.

Great Reviews

Establish Trust

Allows transparency about your restaurant which translates into building a relationship and trust.

Loyalty Icon

Gain Loyalty

Brings in repeat customers as their dietary needs are met.

Empower Icon

Empower Customers

It empowers consumers by making them feel in control as they are informed about their nutritional intake.

Great Taste

Create Healthy Options

It allows you to introduce new menu items as a result of the information in the system and provides a variety of menu items to your customers.

Additional Benefits of MenuSano

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