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Nutrition Analysis for Food Processors

Nutrition Analysis for Food Processors

Crafting food products from raw ingredients plays an integral role in the meals people eat.

MenuSano’s nutrition analysis and recipe costing software save food processors time and reduce costs when it comes to adding nutrition fact labels to products.

Farm Processing

Food Processors Can Use MenuSano To


Nutrition Analysis

Conduct nutrient analysis of recipes

Recipe Experimentation

Virtual Recipe Experimentation

Virtual recipe experimentation... Swap out ingredients or change their quantities to make a recipe healthier.

Nutrition Fact Label

Nutrition Fact Labels

Create, edit, and download nutrition fact labels, allergens, and ingredient lists

Recipe Costing

Recipe Costing

Perform recipe costing to optimize profitability

Easy-to-Use Nutrition Analysis

MenuSano was created to save food processors thousands in laboratory and consulting fees spent on nutrition analysis.

With MenuSano, nutrition analysis and nutrition fact labels can be done in-house, with ease. We essentially bring the lab to you.

MenuSano is easy-to-use, accurate, and compliant. Using government approved ingredient databases from Canada Health, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Public Health England (CoFID), MenuSano is able to meet regulatory compliance for Canada, the United States, and the UK.

Sausage Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Fact Labels for Food Processors

MenuSano’s nutrition fact labels follow guidelines set by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the UK Government. MenuSano is able to meet regulatory compliance for Canada, the United States, and the UK.

  • Highly user-friendly design
  • Over 50 compliant nutrition labels to choose from for your products
  • Keto Nutrition Fact Labels
  • Cannabis edibles labels
  • Bilingual nutrition fact labels available
  • Optional Ingredient lists
  • Allergen labelling
  • Optional dietary statements to labels (Vegetarian, gluten-free, etc.)
Export Label View

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