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Food Marketing & Branding with Sean Beckingham

The Healthy Menu Episode 29

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In the latest episode of The Healthy Menu, our founder Sonia Couto spoke with Sean Beckingham from Branding & Buzzing. Together they discussed food marketing and branding, food packaging essentials, and marketing tips for food businesses.

Light Transcript of the Podcast

S: What are some essential things that a business should include on their food packaging?

SB: Well obviously, you need to really follow the guidelines that are out there. I think it’s really important to have a strong clear message. Make sure your nutrition information is on there. If you’re going to sell it to the Quebec market, really understand what the Quebec market looks like. Really focus on your ingredients and packaging being correct. But what’s really key is put your product on a shelf and walk past it. You either want to look like your competitor so people can have brand association, or be completely different. Be one or be the other.

S: What tips do you have for food brands looking to expand their marketing efforts?

SB: Know these three things: what you want to accomplish, how much money you have to do it and your timelines to accomplish those items. Make sure to design yourself a brand book. Meaning, know your customer, have 3-4 target audiences. Are they Young, Educated Millenial Moms (YEMIs), are we looking at Gen-Xers, are we looking at Gen-Z just entering or finishing college…whomever those individuals are, put them in your profile. Try to not create too many profiles, then take those profiles and constantly retune and look at those profiles, and say do they make sense. And make sure your marketing knows those profiles.

S: How important is the marketing piece to any brand?

SB: I think in food it’s the most important thing. You’ve heard people say, you eat with your eyes. You go to a restaurant and it’s all about what you see around you. It’s the plate presentation, it’s everything. Image is very very important.

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