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Food Manufacturing

Food Manufacturing

If you’re a food manufacturer, it is imperative that you have proper nutrition labels and up-to-date nutrition facts. Both for legal reasons, and to be transparent with your customers. 

MenuSano is the perfect tool to generate updated Nutrition Fact Labels when your formulations change due to changes or interruptions in supply chain. 

Additionally, MenuSano keeps all your recipes away from prying eyes with secure cloud storage. 

Nutrition Analysis for the Food & Beverage Industry
Nutritional Analysis & Calculator for Food Manufacturing

Food & Beverage

MenuSano nutritional and recipe costing software is a game-changing solution for the food and beverage industry. You can easily calculate the nutritional content of your products and food costs. MenuSano’s is here to save you thousands in lab fees when it comes to nutrition analysis and creating Nutrition Fact Labels.

Food Packaging

Food Manufacturing

MenuSano nutritional analysis and recipe costing software makes costing recipes and creating nutrition fact labels a breeze. By using MenuSano, a lab is no longer required for nutrition analysis, saving you thousands of dollars in lab fees. Rest easy knowing that MenuSano's nutrition calculations are CFIA and FDA compliant.

Farm Processing

Food Processors

Crafting food products from raw ingredients plays an integral role in the meals people eat. MenuSano’s nutrition analysis and recipe costing software save food processors time and reduce costs when it comes to adding nutrition fact labels to products.

Food Packaging


By removing the inconvenience of hiring a nutritionist or sending food items away to a lab for testing, bakeries using MenuSano can focus on creating appetizing products with ingredients their customers will love and growing their business in an affordable, efficient way.

Cannabis Nutrition Labeling

Cannabis Edibles

Customers demand accurate nutrition information for all the products they consume, and MenuSano makes it easy to create Nutritional Fact Labels for your Cannabis based edible products.

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