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CFIA Nutrition Fact Labels

CFIA Nutrition Fact Labels

MenuSano’s nutrition analysis software is in accordance with Canadian regulatory bodies, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada.

As a Toronto-based tech company, MenuSano understands the importance of providing accurate nutrition labelling for your business.

This is why MenuSano uses government-regulated nutritional databases and complies with the latest food regulations.

Canadian Nutrition Facts Label

Our Trusted Canada Health Database

Ingredients in the MenuSano online tool are sourced from the Canadian Nutrition File (CNF), a comprehensive database with 152 nutrients in over 5690 foods. The database helps you find values for essential nutrients and the nutrient values for specific foods solidifying MenuSano’s accuracy.
Government of Canada Logo

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Requirements

Here are ways MenuSano adheres to the CFIA guidelines:

CFIA compliant rounding rules

MenuSano’s nutrition labelling follows the rounding rules where nutrient values are rounded according to the Food and Drug Regulations (FDR).

CFIA DV calculations

Calculating percent daily value is definitive with MenuSano. Our nutrition analysis software uses the latest DV calculations published by the CFIA to meet the 2021 deadline.

CFIA Nutrition Fact Labels

Choose among an extensive library of CFIA nutrition fact templates. From bilingual (French first and English first, English only, French only) to Sugar Alcohol (Keto) labels and cannabis edibles labels, MenuSano offers templates that suit your requirements. Available in a variety of dimensions in either PDF or JPG high resolution (300dpi).
Weiler Nutrition Communications Logo

In addition to following the CFIA guidelines, MenuSano has also had a third party review of our CFIA calculations, by a registered dietician: Weiler Nutrition

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Creating a CFIA compliant Nutrition Fact Label

Design and Marketing Manager Christine Billinger discusses nutrition fact label exemptions, rules to remember when displaying labels, changes and more.

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