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Nutrition Analysis Software for Catering

Nutrition Analysis Software for Catering

Use MenuSano to help your catering business grow with nutrition analysis and recipe costing. Customers today demand healthy items on catering menus, and MenuSano is an easy-to-use tool that will accurately calculate the calories, macro and micronutrients in a recipe or dish. Furthermore, MenuSano’s recipe costing modules enable catering businesses to engineer their menus for profit.

MenuSano Catering Nutrition Analysis Software

Nutritional Information

MenuSano makes conducting nutritional analysis of food products a breeze. Simply build recipes by searching an extensive database of ingredients and entering their quantities. With an online tool like MenuSano, it is possible to conduct virtual recipe experimentations to create the ideal nutritional profile for a recipe. Nutrition Information from MenuSano can be used to display on menus, allowing customers to make the best choices for themselves and their guests. 

MenuSano’s ingredient databases are built by public health departments from Canada, the U.S., and the UK, and contain and extensive number of chemically analysed food items. 

Using MenuSano is easy:

Nutrition Fact Labels

To sell catering food products online or in retail settings, a properly formatted Nutrition Fact Label is necessary, and must comply with all laws. MenuSano instantly generates nutrition fact labels compliant with the FDA, CFIA, and UK Public Health regulations, which can be printed and placed on a product.

Labels are downloadable as either a vector PDF or 300 dpi JPEG that is ready to print. Ingredient lists, allergens, and dietary statements can be added to labels for printing.

New Canadian Nutrition Label example

Recipe Experimentation

MenuSano’s virtual experimentation feature makes it easy to see how swapping ingredients or adjusting quantities can change the nutritional profile of a dish.

Whether trying to reach a caloric, sodium, or other dietary goals, MenuSano allows for recipes to be adjusted with just a few clicks. 

For creating vegan, ketogenic, or other variations of a recipe, MenuSano can calculate the Recipe Scale, give you the proper amounts of ingredients, and exchange the ingredients to suit any diet.

Recipe Experimentation

Recipe Costing

MenuSano allows you to cost out each of your catering recipes easily and effectively. 

Know how much each recipe costs to create per batch and yield so that menus can be engineered for profitability.

Recipe Costing Core Features:

  • Calculate the cost per recipe and cost per yield
  • Swap ingredients in recipes to see how they affect costs
  • Track ingredient costs and suppliers
  • Bulk import ingredient costs
  • Export Ingredient and Recipe costs for easy reporting
  • Recipe Scaling calculations to know just how much to order from your suppliers
Recipe Costing Breakdown Reference image

Recipe Management

Keep catering recipes safe and organized on MenuSano’ secure cloud. Woth MenuSano, only account users can access your recipes, keeping them away from prying eyes.

All recipes and their variations can be saved and categorized any way you want giving you quick and easy access to any recipe, its nutritional information, and its cost whenever you need, on any device.     

Recipes Screen

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