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Bitesize: The Benefits of Labelling

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In Episode 23 of the Healthy Menu Podcast, we’ll be discussing labelling and its value for your business, and for your customers.




Light Transcript of the Podcast

Labelling is one of the most essential components of any-food based industry. Beyond transparency it allows people to choose and upkeep their dietary needs and health plans.

The Food and Drug Administration, also known as the FDA, has a proper guideline for food labelling. The main rule is simple; all the nutritional values should be mentioned for every prepared and packed food item. Including:

  • bread
  • canned products
  • frozen items
  • cereals
  • snacks
  • drinks
  • desserts
  • etc.

The FDA also provides guidance for the addition or deletion of information in the labelling depending upon the nature of them.

In Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, or CFIA is responsible for outlining food labelling regulations and additional information for Canada’s food labelling requirements.

Adherence to these standards further helps the general public get comfortable with nutritional facts when selecting and purchasing food items for their family. They help us maintain a better eating habit and they aid in maintaining a higher every level.

Foods high in fat and sugar tend to be more palatable, and therefore become main staples, so it’s even more important to become aware of their nutritional values. Choosing when to swap these for healthier options is essential.

In a Restaurant setting, customers think about and feel good about their choices based on nutritional information. Today, finding a menu without a calorie count is not only hard but frowned upon by the patrons. Transparency is important now, more than ever.

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