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Nutrition Analysis Software for Schools

Nutrition Analysis Software for Schools

MenuSano is an incredibly useful tool for school programs, including daily cafeteria offerings, after-school snacks, vending machine options and more.

Children spend most of their young lives in schools, and in most cases, are eating at least one meal per day there. In many instances, particularly in urban settings, students receive 2-3 meals per day.

With MenuSano nutritional analysis software, your organization can rest assured that the meals and snacks you are serving to young people are nutritious, tasty and will play a positive role in their mental and physical growth.

Nutrition Analysis for Schools

Nutrition Analysis for School Cafeterias

MenuSano nutritional analysis software is invaluable to a school cafeteria system for many reasons:

  • Produces comprehensive nutrition labels
  • View how many calories, fat, sodium, and more are in a recipe
  • Combine recipes into dishes for meal planning
  • Conduct nutrition analysis of combined recipes in dishes

Additionally, MenuSano can help school cafeterias with portion control. Research shows that children who eat a school lunch are 500% more likely to consume two servings of unhealthy fats in their meal compared to children who bring their own lunches.

MenuSano nutritional analysis software gives you the capability to know the nutrition information not only of an ingredient or specific food item but a portion as well. Not only will this result in healthier students, but will incite a larger awareness around portion sizes.

School Meal Portions

Easy-To-Use Nutrition Analysis Software

MenuSano is a user-friendly nutrition analysis software with advanced capabilities to meet the needs of your school.

Nutrition analysis is necessary for any establishment that creates and serves food and our solution ensures accuracy, efficiency and positive results.

The way the nutrition analysis software works is this:

Input each ingredient you use into the software and print out the nutrition fact label. From there, you can incorporate the information onto your menu, or print out hard copies to pair with ingredients in your kitchen.

These results will not only inform the students of what they are consuming but will make you more aware of what you’re serving and if those choices are healthy ones.

How MenuSano Works

MenuSano Helps Meet Governmental Nutrition Regulations in Schools

Implementing any type of software or program into a school that impacts food can be a complex process due to the extensive governmental regulations around nutrition. All schools need to comply with standards and MenuSano can help schools ensure that the meals they are serving are compliant. These regulations have only heightened in recent years as government officials have become more aware of the nutrition problem in the public school system.

MenuSano nutritional analysis software can allow schools to be compliant with food regulations for the following reasons:

Allergies are also a major factor in the food offerings in schools, especially in the younger grade levels when students typically do not advocate for themselves and voice what they are allergic to without parental assistance. Allergen labelling is a priority for MenuSano. The software will allow you to add allergen information to your nutrition labels, calling out ingredients that many children are allergic to. Examples include peanuts, dairy, and soy.

Sandwich Nutrition Label Creation NFT FDA

Reduce your Costs with Recipe Costing

MenuSano’s recipe costing module allows you to accurately calculate the cost of each recipe you enter.

  • Track supplier ingredient costs
  • Experiment with different costing scenarios for the same recipe
  • Save time and increase profitability
Recipe Costing Breakdown Reference image

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